
He hath done all things
Very much better in health
Received supply of pyjamas
for patients. All look happier
Bad cases recovering
Paralysis of hand + arm under
massage treat - by me Showing
signs of improvement.
Took Major to Iso. got canisters
fixed up as a covering.
Put on more orderlies to
lessen my own work. Should get
an hour or two off per day.
Talk of boat being sighted Prob a
star Pte Meers + Burton sharing
Cabin (my permission) Cabin worth £60
for trip. Talk of us remaining
on Transport duty. "He knows"

[in margin]

9pm Bottom burnt out of steriliser Evidently night O. neglect.


He hath done all things well

[— Mark 7:37]

Very much better in health.

Received supply of pyjamas for patients. All look happier.

Bad cases recovering. Paralysis of hand and arm under massage treatment - by me - showing signs of improvement.

Took Major to Isolation, got canisters fixed up as a covering. Put on more orderlies to lessen my own work. Should get an hour or two off per day.

Talk of boat being sighted. Probably a star.

Private Meers & Burton sharing cabin (my permission). Cabin worth £60 for trip.

Talk of us remaining on Transport duty.

“He knows”

[in margin]

9pm Bottom burnt out of steriliser. Evidently night orderly neglect.

photo of page 7, transcribed above